Walk, Wheel, Cycle and Scoot
What is this Big Move?
This Big Move is needed to support people to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot when and where they want, safely and conveniently.
Our vision is that: Everyone in the West Midlands should be enabled to safely access a range of local destinations on foot, in a wheelchair or on a bike or scooter; with the aim of at least half of all trips in our area to be made by active modes by 2030.
Where we would like to be if our Big Move is successful
People of all ages and from all walks of life can walk, wheel, cycle and scoot easily and safely around our neighbourhoods and local centres, as well as making some longer hops from one neighbourhood to another.
As we step out of our homes onto our streets, we’re greeted by a safe and welcoming environment. Our pavements are decluttered and well-maintained, our local streets are quiet and feel safe to cycle/scoot and as we head toward main roads, we find segregated lanes/paths for cycling and scooting and safe crossing points.
And when we arrive at our high streets and local centres, we find that these are environments where the congested high streets have given way to walking and wheeling friendly environments. Through the creation of 15-minute neighbourhoods, people have better access to the day-to-day services and opportunities which enable them to lead a good life without needing to own a car.
As a result, these places are more pleasant to spend time in and people are healthier and happier because they are more physically active in their everyday lives.